Anchored Men (A.M.) Men’s Ministry
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong” 1 Cor. 16:13
Grounded Together In Christ
The Anchored Men (A.M.) Men’s Ministry at New Clark Temple (NCT) Church is a ministry dedicated for the men of this ministry. A.M. Men’s Ministry is a men’s ministry that is committed to Jesus Christ, their families, church and community. The mission of Anchored Men (A.M.) is to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all the He commanded us.” The men of this ministry have joined together, in peace and on one accord, in order to promote unity by connecting, growing, and serving others. The men’s ministry of NCT endeavors to carry out its mission and their God-given call as men and strong Christ-like leaders within the Body of Christ.
In order to reach and help men connect with God, NCT strives to connect with the men of our ministry and communities. We build strong relationships with our families, friends and other men so that they might know God through a strong relationship with Christ.
Since accepting Christ is only the beginning of the Christian life, the men of the A.M. Men’s Ministry at NCT strongly encourage men within the church to join together in studying God’s Word. The men’s ministry actively participates in outings, bible studies, and services that create a lasting bond of brotherhood in Christ. A.M. Men’s Ministry seeks to encourage accountability among the brethren, while growing in the knowledge of God and Christ-likeness.
Believing that every Christian is a minister of the Gospel, the NCT Men’s Ministry actively works to advance the Gospel through our men’s department, church and community. Anchored Men (A.M.) Men’s Ministry accomplishes its vision and mission through mentoring, relationships, retreats, discipleship studies, and kingdom service. For more information please email us at!