Our Mission Here at The Nest
The mission of the Nest Daycare & Preparatory Center is to provide high-quality early childhood education programs with developmentally appropriate learning experiences in a nurturing Christian environment.
Our mission is to support all our children by creating caring and inclusive social play environments that can naturally promote child development in all areas of learning, including literacy and numeracy.
After School Care
We strive to provide after school care that allows busy parents to feel comfortable that their children are safe and making productive use of their time before and after school at The Nest. Here, we focus our direct attention and strategies on helping children with their homework, while giving children time to be children in open and unstructured play spaces.
Core Components of Our Childcare
Beyond Childcare:
◊ Each child is a unique creation and a gift from God.
◊ Children learn best about the world around them through direct exploration and hands-on discovery.
◊ We that our families are student’s first and most influential teacher.
◊ Our work is our passion. It’s more than a job—it’s a calling.
◊ We know inclusion creates belonging, and it’s for everyone.
◊ At The Nest, we create classroom cultures through the language we use, the responsibilities we encourage, and the procedures we teach.
◊ Integrity is everything. We do the right thing, always.
Everything We Do Is Intended To:
◊ Nurture the children
◊ Support families through fostering a culture of open engagement and communication
At “The Nest” we use an adaptive approach in the facilitation of our daycare and preparatory education program for early childhood development. The adaptive approach, better known as B.E.S.T., which allows the center to apply these practices in all areas of our program. The B.E.S.T. practice includes (B)elieving in one another, (E)ncouraging one another, (S)haring with one another, and (T)rusting one another.